Teachers are inundated with grading papers, calling parents, meetings and lesson plans. Besides all of that they still have to teach. Because of the responsibilities today’s teachers endure, it is imperative that they experience professional development seminars that can remind them of their number one responsibility; the students. There are two interactive seminars that all teachers, administrators and staff should experience:
These three seminars serve as professional development for teachers across the country. The first two are essential for teachers of all levels of experience and disciplines like: general education teachers K through 12, special education teachers, principals, counselors, psychologists, at-risk coordinators, title 1 coordinators, special education directors, staff development directors, para-professionals, educational assistants, administrators, curriculum directors.
The New Teacher talk is strictly for new teachers whether they are coming from a teacher education program or from the corporate world. The education of our youth requires a specific set of skills and knowledge. I will do my best to help people recognize their skills and impart knowledge.
College Credit Is Available for Brian Watts’s Classroom Management & Discipline and Student Engagement Training courses. Each seminar is offered for college credit through Chapman University. Chapman University partners with a number of national professional development organizations that offer seminars and workshops nationwide. Participants that attend specified workshops may earn credit by completing a follow-up practicum, based on the content of the workshop Details for direct enrollment and Registration Forms for Chapman University will be available at the seminar. Detailed information can be found at the Chapman University Web Site.