Committment Issues

Why do we humans have such problems with sticking to a task?  I started this blog over a year ago, but I have not written a blog for many months.  I thought that I would be a serial blogger by now, but I am not!

On a more positive note, I did just finish a 28 day committment of Black History posts on Facebook where I spotlighted my friends from elementary school, high school and college.  I was proud to have actually stuck to a process that I started!  How random is that?

Well let us get to the point!  I have begun blogging again and I hope to have you as a reader on my future posts.  I have been through a lot since I stopped blogging last year and my life and my ideals have changed drastically.  I am on a path filled with purpose!  I have recently written the foreward for a book authored by Mrs. Toni Ellis entitled: “God’s Dowry for His Daughters: His Good Treasure”. (All of you women need to buy this book!  FOR REAL!)  I have also started to co-author two other books (which I will tell you about when I can).  I have been in a serious funk for the past 6 or 7 months but I can see the light now!  I have awakened to a new existence and I am excited about the possibilities.  I am working on a few projects with friends and I am attempting to put my school F. H. Jenkins on the map!!!!  MY FEAR IS GONE!!!

Thats it!  Fear is why we have committment issues!  We fear we cannot complete a task or that we are not good enough for the assignment.  When times get hard, we let fear talk us out of the whole deal instead of letting trust and faith take us to the end.  Did you know that when you fail to last to the end of a test in life that you may be doomed to repeat it on some level until you pass?  Who wants that?  So many things are slipping through our hands and we think that life is “dishing us a raw deal”.  The truth is that we will never make it until we endure the pain and make it through the test. Most times we will see that the victory was worth the trial,  In addition, we will fare better in life due to the lessons we have learned along the way.

A marriage, a job, school, a new relationship, a dream…whatever it is don’t let the fear of completion get you down!  Fight and push yourself to do your best every day.  Don’t even worry about the days ahead.  Go one day at a time.  If that is too much, go one hour at a time.  Just worry about the step in front of you, then take that step.  I guarantee that your life will change for the better.  Check it out for a few days and let me know what happens!

Look for specials in the upcoming months like THE MID MONTH MOTIVATOR.  This may be a funny story or a historic post or just something motivating.  It will be posted around the 15th of each month!  See you soon!  Be fabulous!

Brian John Thomas Watts